DanceSport Championships
Adjudicators Congress
Dear registered participant,
Thank you for registering for the WDSF Adjudicators’ Congress on Monday, March 7, 2016 in Helsinki, Finland!
The congress will take place in Finnish Sports Federation at Radiokatu 20, close to the competition venue. Instructions on how to get there (in Finnish)
There’s a huge VALO-sign over the main entrance. The congress room is located on the 2nd floor of the building. There will be signs to show you the way to the right place starting from the main entrance.
Registration for the congress opens at 9:15 outside the congress room. Please be prepared to show your identification card automatically to avoid any inconveniences. You will also be asked to confirm your attendance by signing the name list at the start and at the end of congress.
The congress fee is 95 euros. You can pay it by cash at the registration desk. You can also pay it beforehand to Finnish Dance Sport Federation bank account:
IBAN: FI23 2401 1800 0035 83
Please mention WDSF Congress + your name on the message field.
If you pay the congress fee to bank account please be prepared to present a receipt/printed copy of the payment at the registration desk to avoid any inconveniences.
If you write the General Knowledge Test please note that you are not allowed to access or use your hand phone in any way during the test.
The timetable:
There’s a cafeteria ”Ravintola Erätauko” next to the congress room, opening times 8:30 – 15:30. The scheduled lunch (price range 6,30 e – 10,60 e) will be served there, payment by cash or debit/credit card. There are also coffee/tea and snacks available at your own cost during the opening hours.
And after the congress we would appreciate any feedback regarding the arrangements, schedule, contents etc. to our
Looking forward to meet you in Helsinki soon!